Challenge:Masjid Makeover

Logo by RDLB 
Clue: Good Deed: #39 Clean a masjid and  Good Deed: #38 Build a masjid
1. Beautify and clean up masjid
2. Team work, brotherhood, unity
3. Dawah
4. Work for pleasure of Allah
5. Project management skill development
6. Go green, don’t waste
1. Get a team together
2. Elect a masjid makeover project manager
3. Find a masjid
4.  Find out what needs to be done
5. Ask permission from the leaders of the masjid to do makeover
6. Plan your masjid makeover
7. Implement masjid makeover
8. Have a masjid maintenance plan in place
9. Create a rotational timetable/roster and allocate a team member to be in charge of the masjid maintenance for that day.
10. Challenge other masjids in your area to join the masjid makeover challenge
1. Before makeover pictures or video
2. After makeover picture or video
3. Submit masjid makeover action and maintenance plan
Email us Pictures
Video: youtube format optional
Upload Pictures in any online album e.g. facebook, picassa, google docs, flikr
Action Plan: word document
Feedback: Any word document
optional: start a facebook group
You tell us the deadline
Send links and documents to
Email your submissions
House in Jannah
Case Study and Example 
2. Before Masjid Makeover – Grasmere South Africa
3.  After Masjid Makeover – Grasmere South Africa







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