Good Deed: #74 Make Tawaf
- 2:125 (Y. Ali) Remember We made the House a place of assembly for men and a place of safety; and take ye the station of Abraham as a place of prayer; and We covenanted with Abraham and Isma’il, that they should sanctify My House for those who compass it round, or use it as a retreat, or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein in prayer).
- 39:75 (Y. Ali) And thou wilt see the angels surrounding the Throne (Divine) on all sides, singing Glory and Praise to their Lord. The Decision between them (at Judgment) will be in (perfect) justice, and the cry (on all sides) will be, “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds!”
- Narrated By: Abu Huraira In the year prior to the last Hajj of the Prophet when Allahs Apostle made Abu Bakr the leader of the pilgrims, the latter (Abu Bakr) sent me in the company of a group of people to make a public announcement: ‘No pagan is allowed to perform Hajj after this year, and no naked person is allowed to perform Tawaf of the Kaba.’ (See Hadith No. 365 Vol. 1) Bukhari 2:26:689
- Narrated By: Amr We asked Ibn Umar: “May a man have sexual relations with his wife during the Umra before performing Tawaf between Safa and Marwa?” He said, “Allah’s Apostle arrived (in Mecca) and circumambulated the Kaba seven times, then offered two Rakat behind Maqam Ibrahim (the station of Abraham), then performed Tawaf between Safa and Marwa.” Ibn Umar added, “Verily! In Allah’s Apostle you have a good example.” And I asked Jabir bin Abdullah (the same question), and he replied, “You should not go near your wives (have sexual relations) till you have finished Tawaf between Safa and Marwa. ” 2:26:690
- Narrated By: Ibn Umar The Prophet reached Mecca, circumambulated the Kaba seven times and then offered a two Rakat prayer behind Maqam ibrahim. Then he went towards the Safa. Allah has said, “Verily, in Allah’s Apostle you have a good example.” 2:26:693
- Abdullah Ibn Abbas(RA) said that the Messenger of Allah said” Everyday Allah sends down a hundred and twenty portions of mercy on Baytullah. Sixty ( of these ) portions of mercy are for those engaged in Tawaf, forty for those observing prayer and twenty for those who look at Baytullah.” (Tabarani)
- Muhammad (SAW) said The worshipping by the Tawaf of the Ka’bah and the Tawaf of the Arsh will not cease to exist (from amongst his creation). (Bayhaqi)
Action Plan
Condition of tawaf
* he general conditions
1. Submission to Islam
2. Forming one’s intention
3. Observance of the Tawaf within the mosque.
* The wajibs of the Tawaf
1. The pilgrim must be pure.
2. He must have those parts of his / her body covered as required by Shariah. 3. He who can walk must perform the Tawaf on foot.
4. The pilgrim must start the Tawaf from his right side.
5. The Hatim must be included in the Tawaf.
6. The pilgrim must perform the entire Tawaf
7. The pilgrim must offer two rakaat after performing the Tawaf.
* Allowed actions during Tawaf
The following activities are lawful for the worshipper during Tawaf:
1. To greet people with salam.
2. To say Al-Hamdulillah on sneezing.
3. To talk to someone if one feels compelled.
4. To drink water.
5. To recite the Quran in his heart.
* Disallowed Actions during Tawaf
The following conditions are unlawful during Tawaf:
1. To perform Tawaf in a state of sexual defilement, bleeding menstruation or bleeding after childbirth.
2. To perform Tawaf while riding something or being carried by someone for no special reason.
3. To perform Tawaf while ablution is not intact.
4. To perform Tawaf on the knees or lying face down without any reason. 5. To cut short the Tawaf and go through the Haram.
6. To omit a round or part of it.
7. To commence the Tawaf at any other point except the Hajr Aswad.
8. To face the Baytullah while performing Tawaf.
9. To omit anything that is wajib during]
How to peform tawaf
Fiqh As-Sunnah:
1- One must begin Tawaf with one’s right shoulder uncovered (for men only) and the Ka`bah on one’s left side, while facing the Black Stone, which you should kiss, if possible, or touch with one’s hand, or point in its direction, saying, “Bismillah wallahau akbar Allahumma imanan bika wa tasdiqan bikitabika wa wafa’an bi `ahdika wa ittiba`an li sunnati nabbiyyi sallalahu `alaihi wa sallam (In the Name of Allah. Allah is the Greatest. O Allah! [I begin this Tawaf] believing in You, affirming the truth of Your Book, fulfilling my covenant with You, and following the example of the Prophet, (peace and blessings be upon him).”
2- It is encouraged to jog slowly through the first three rounds around the Ka`bah. One should walk quickly, keeping close to the Ka`bah as much as possible, while taking short steps. During the next four rounds, one should walk at a normal pace. If one is unable to jog or get close to Ka`bah, because of the area being overcrowded, one may perform one’s Tawaf in any way possible.
Touching the Yemeni corner (ar-Ruknu al-Yamani) is encouraged, and so is kissing or touching the Black Stone in each of the seven rounds of Tawaf, if possible.
3- Remembering Allah and supplicating to Him as much as possible is also encouraged. For this purpose, one may choose any supplications that one feels comfortable with, without restricting oneself to any particular supplications or repeating what others may be saying. There are no set supplications prescribed for this purpose. The supplications that some people consider to be prescribed for various rounds of Tawaf are not authentic. There are no such supplications reported from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). One should pray for oneself, for one’s family and for the Muslims for anything that is good in this life or in the hereafter. source: how to perform tawaf
Kind of Tawaf
* Tawaf Qudum
It is performed at the time of arrival at Makkah. It is sunnah to perform this tawaf, but not for one who observes Tammata and Umrah. Similarly, it is not sunnah for a resident of Makkah; but in case he goes out of the miqat and assumes the Ihram for ifrad or Qiran to observe Hajj, it is musnan for him.
* Tawaf Ziyarh
It is also known as Tawaf Rukn, Tawaf Hajj and Tawaf Fard. It is a part of Hajj, and must be performed for the Hajj to be proper. Its time starts from the dawn of 10th-12th Zul Hajjah, during which time it is wajib to perform it. In this tawaf Ramal is performed and if the worshipper has relinquished the Ihram and is wearing stitched garments, then he will not observe the idtiba. If he has the Ihram then he observes idtiba. Then he performs the saay.
* Tawaf Sadar
This tawaf is performed at the time of returning home from Baytullah and is also known as Tawaf Wada. It is wajib for an Aafaqi to perform it but not for a resident of Makkah or any Aafaqi who has adopted Makkah as a permanent place of residence. Ramal and idtiba is not observed in this tawaf and saay is not performed after it.
* Tawaf Umrah
It is a Rukn (part) of Umrah and fard during it. Idtiba and Ramal is observed during it and saay is performed after it.
* Tawaf Nazar
This tawaf is wajib for anyone who makes a vow.
* Tawaf Tahiyah
This Tawaf is mustahabb for anyone coming into the Masjid ul-Haram, but if he performs any other tawaf then that tawaf will take its place.
* Tazwaf Nafl
It is performed at anytime one desires to perform a voluntary tawaf.
It is wajib to offer two rakaat prayer after every tawaf. It is mustahabb to offer it behind the Maqam Ibrahim, and if that is not possible at the time, then at the closest spot.
source: The Tawaf