Good Deed: #8 Visit the sick
Hadrat Ali(Allah be pleased with him) reports that Rasulullah(Peace be upon him) said, ‘When a Muslim visits his sick Muslim brother in the morning, seventy thousand angels make dua for his forgiveness till the evening. And when he visits him in the evening, seventy thousand angels make dua for his forgiveness till the morning, and he will be granted a garden for it in Jannah.’ (Timidhi, Abu Dawood)
Hadrat Abu Sa’eed Khudri(Allah be pleased with him) reports that Rasulullah(Peace be upon him) said, ‘When you visit a sick person, speak in a reassuring way to him (about his age and his life).’ (For instance, tell him, ‘Alhamdulillah, your health has improved’ or ‘Inshaa Allah you will get better soon.’) Saying this will not delay what is predestined, but it will certainly make him feel happy.'(Tirmidi, Ibn Maajah)
WARNING PG -Parts of video maybe disturbing to sensitive viewers
Dr. Patch Adams and his clowns visit children in a hospital in Kabul Afghanistan – He believes that laughter, joy and creativity are an integral part of the healing process and therefore true health care must incorporate such life.
Action plan
Etiquettes of visiting the sick
1. It is recommended that the visitor pray for the recovery and health of the patient and that he should urge him to endure his trouble patiently.
2. He should say nice words to cheer him up and keep his spirits high. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “When you visit a sick person, give him hope for a long life. This will not avert anything, but will please the patient and give him comfort.”
3. When the Prophet, peace be upon him, visited a sick person he used to say to him: “Do not worry! It is a means of cleansing (you) of sins, Allah willing.”
4. Keep visits short and brief. It is preferred to shorten the visits and to make them less frequent as far as possible, lest they should become burdensome for the patient, except when the patient himself desires longer and more frequent visits.
5. Remember the person is sick. So just use your common sense, smile and be positive during the visit. Never express negative feelings while you are in the presence of the sick person. The whole point of visiting patients in the hospital is to cheer them up.
6. Only talk about happy situations not about bad news. Never talk about your past illnesses or operations.
7. Assist the sick person in any way possible and ensure they are taken care of properly.
Invocations for visiting the sick
لا بَأسَ طَهُورٌ إِنْ شَاءَ اللّهُ
La ba’sa tahuroon insha’Allah
(Do not worry, it will be a purification (for you), God Willing)
(Sahih al-Bukhari, cf. Al-Asqalani – Fath al-Bari 10/118)
أسْألُ اللّهَ الْعَظِيمَ رَبَّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ أَنْ يَشْفِيَكَ
As’allulLahal adheem Rabb al arshil ‘adheemi ‘an yashfiyaka (7 times)
(I ask Allah the Almighty, Lord of the Magnificent Throne, to make you well) (7 times)
(at-Tirmidhi 2/210, abu Dawud, Sahih al-Jami as-Saghir 5/180)